54. How 10 Minutes of Creativity Changes Everything

Finding Calm in the Chaos of Motherhood: How Creativity Can Help You Regain Control

Let me guess: life is busy, chaotic, and a little overwhelming. As a mom, it feels like there’s never enough time for anything—least of all yourself. You’re stuck in a never-ending loop of to-do lists, snack requests, and navigating toddler tantrums or teenage eye-rolls. Somewhere in there, you’ve probably lost sight of you. Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

What if I told you how you can find the calm in the chaos of motherhood? How just 10 minutes of creativity changes everything.

Motherhood doesn’t come with a pause button, but using creative outlets like painting or journaling can help you slow down and catch your breath.

Here's how incorporating expressive arts into your routine can relieve stress and help you reconnect with yourself—even when you feel like you're drowning in mom duties.

Motherhood: Chaos Mode Activated

Remember when you had a little baby and thought, “It’s only going to get easier from here, right?” Angela did too. When she shared her overwhelmed feelings with a group of moms, they laughed and said, “Oh honey, this is the easy part!”

Well, they weren’t wrong. For Angela, who has fostered six kids under six (yes, you read that right!), the chaos never really stopped. Instead, she was handed new challenges as her kids grew. The constant pressure to do it all - to raise happy, healthy kids while somehow keeping your sanity intact - is downright exhausting.

Angela used to think, “When things get easier, I’ll finally take care of myself.” Spoiler alert: they never got easier. But what did change was how she learned to cope.

Finding Calm in a Paintbrush

One of the game-changers for Angela? Expressive arts. She doesn’t paint every day, but when she does, it’s like an emotional exhale.

As for me (Kayla), when I’m feeling overwhelmed, pulling out some paints or markers gives me the space to process what’s going on inside—without having to use words (because, let’s be honest, words are hard when you’re running on four hours of sleep and reheated coffee).

It wasn’t always like this for me. For a long time, I didn’t realize how disconnected I was from myself. It wasn’t until 2017, when I joined a course led by Carmen Richardson, that I learned the power of expressive arts. Suddenly, I wasn’t just parenting—I was feeling again. Painting frustrations, journaling emotions, and getting lost in color opened something up in me. It gave me permission to see that my feelings, my thoughts, and yes—even my interests—were important.

Here’s the thing: you don’t have to be “good” at art to benefit from it. This isn’t about creating masterpieces—it’s about making space for yourself amidst the chaos. In just 10 minutes - creativity changes everything.

How to Get Started: Expressive Arts for the Busy, Overwhelmed Mom

If you’re thinking, I don’t have time for art, trust me—I get it. But you don’t need to carve out hours of studio time to tap into the benefits of creativity. Here are two simple ways to start:

1. Paint Your Feelings (Literally)

Next time you’re feeling stressed, grab some paint or markers (whatever you have on hand) and set a timer for 10 minutes. Don’t worry about what it looks like—just focus on how it feels. Paint your frustration. Scribble your exhaustion. Let your emotions guide you. You’ll be surprised how much lighter you feel when you allow yourself to express what’s been building up inside.

2. Free Write Your Stress Away

Ever heard of “free writing”? It’s basically writing whatever comes to mind without judgment, editing, or overthinking. Angela took a course called Writing Myself Free by Julia Fehrenbacher, and it was eye-opening. Just 5-10 minutes of free writing can help you release some of the mental clutter that builds up when you’re juggling a million things.

Why This Works: The Science Behind Art and Stress Relief for Moms

Expressive arts aren’t just fun—they’re a way to manage the inevitable stress that comes with motherhood. When you create, you’re engaging different parts of your brain that help you process emotions and calm your nervous system. It’s like hitting the reset button. Whether you’re painting, moving, or even doodling, creative outlets allow you to release stress and reconnect with yourself.

And here’s a bonus: when your kids see you taking time for yourself, you’re modeling self-care and emotional regulation for them, too.

Motherhood Is Hard, but You Deserve a Break

I used to think that if I just powered through and got everything “right,” things would get easier. But in reality, ignoring your own needs doesn’t make you a better mom—it just makes you a more burnt-out one. When you take time to care for yourself, you come back to your family with more energy, patience, and yes, sanity.

So, mama, don’t wait for things to get easier. Make a little space for yourself today—whether that’s through painting, writing, or just taking a few deep breaths outside. You deserve it.

Angela, mom of 6 and expressive art facilitator.

I am Angela Bennik. I enjoy reading, being outside, expressive arts, psychology, culture, and learning. I parent many children. I live with a lot of different people in my home and can sometimes lose myself in the midst of all that. I have used expressive arts over the years to cope. It has helped me express and connect with who I am so I can see what I need even alongside all the demands and responsibilities.


Quick Takeaways:

  1. Expressive arts are an accessible way to manage stress and reconnect with yourself.

  2. It’s not about making “good” art; it’s about giving yourself permission to feel.

  3. Your self-care matters just as much as your kids’—and taking time for yourself benefits everyone.

Ready to give it a try? Comment or message me your email, and I’ll send you a free guide to getting started with expressive arts at home. You’ll be amazed at what a few brushstrokes or scribbles can do for your mental health. Because, after all, we could all use a little more calm in the chaos.

Mama, you might find these interesting:

Download this free guide: 101 Ways to Be Chill Like a Mother

Follow Kayla on her Instagram account @kayla.huszar

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This information is for educational purposes only. Kayla cannot provide personalized advice or recommendations for your unique situation or circumstances. Therefore, nothing on this page or website should replace therapeutic recommendations or personalized advice. If you require such services, please consult with a medical or therapeutic provider to determine what's best for you. Kayla cannot be held responsible for your use of this website or its contents. Please never disregard or delay seeking medical or therapeutic treatment because of something you read or accessed through this website.

© 2024 Kayla Huszar - All Rights Reserved.

Kayla Huszar

I believe that women are not given the tools to succeed in parenting. Constantly striving for an unattainable standard leaves mothers feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.

Through the use of creative arts, there is a beautiful moment of sacred stillness. A simple act of intentional creativity can remind a mother of who she is, what is truly important, and what she is capable of.

I aim to provide the best creative arts services both online and in person, because every mother deserves a simple and effective outlet for finding chill, being vibrant and feeling alive.


55. Running on Empty, Mama? Here's How to Refill Your Cup and Find Calm in the Chaos


53. Mom-Sanity Saver: How Creativity Helps You Ditch Perfectionism