The Fourth Trimester Online Course
The online course + community for pregnant moms who want an easy postpartum.
✓ More Support
✓ Less Anxiety
✓ Better Sleep
Your baby won't come with a manual.
It's all on-the-job training. The stakes are high and the learning curve is steep.
Don’t drown in the internet abyss trying to find answers.
Prepare for your fourth trimester BEFORE your baby arrives.
Decorating the nursery is fun; preparing your heart is essential.
I would be a millionaire if I had a dollar for every time I heard,
"the nursery is ready; the baby can come any day now..."
Preparing yourself for all the changes that come with a newborn is essential if you want an easy postpartum.
Having a baby can be an incredible experience, but it can also be hard on your mental health (you’ve seen the social media posts) it's common to feel anxious, depressed, and/or disconnected from your partner.
But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can figure it out before you're knee-deep in dirty diapers and sleep deprivation!
With the create, cope and chill method you will:
➤ Make postpartum easier on you and your baby!
➤ Have a partner who knows how to support you.
➤ Navigate unsolicited comments and advice.
➤ Set boundaries and get the support YOU need.
➤ Trust your instincts as a new mom and handle stressful situations with grace.
Supporting you in what postpartum is like, for realsies.
One does not simply wing postpartum.
According to research, mental health is the most significant challenge after childbirth.
Your ability to handle the ups and downs and cope with your emotions now and in postpartum IS the foundation of your child’s emotional wellbeing.
Start practicing coping tools, find your voice as a new mom and trust yourself to raise a sweet, happy baby.
Are you freaking out a little after seeing all those new-mom meltdowns on social media?
Well, don't worry. Postpartum doesn't have to be like that when you take the right steps to prepare yourself and your partner.
The Fourth Trimester is an online course perfect for pregnant moms who want a chill and easy postpartum.
Using my evidence-based "create, cope and chill" framework, you'll feel calm and in control. You can focus on healing and caring for your baby instead of feeling too overwhelmed.
Postpartum can be chill! (when you are staying calm and supporting your mental health)
✓ Know how becoming a parent might affect your (or your partner's) mood, emotions and mental health.
✓ Lay a strong foundation for navigating the unexpected (baby cries, visitors after birth, feeding issues, physical recovery hiccups).
✓ Overcome your resistance to setting boundaries and guilt about accepting and asking for help.
✓ Get more sleep (now and after birth) because your partner supports you in the middle of the night.
✓ Calm your nerves about being a "good" parent.
Imagine holding your tiny human and feeling nothing but happiness and certainty. No worries or doubts in your mind.
Course Highlights
Learn to use therapeutic art + screen time for your good and build a strong foundation of support for the fourth trimester:
module 1 Want to know the best and most effective ways to support your (and your partner's) mental health? This module uncovers everything you need to know.
module 2 Find out how your body signals are connected to your emotions, the emotions of others and the stories you tell yourself.
module 3 Newborns bond best when parents slow down & breathe in the chaos of the fourth trimester, find out how to co-regulate.
module 4 Learn the difference between anxiety and intuition and how to trust yourself.
module 5 Want to know how to stop taking responsibility for other people's feelings and actions? Find out in this module!
module 6 The version of self-care you've been led to believe is helpful isn’t helpful. Learn how real self-care is essential for recovery.
module 7 Use one of the most essential tips and have self-compassion in the early postpartum days.
module 8 Learn a helpful strategy to communicate authentically and assertively and actually be heard!
module 9 Becoming a mother is complex; learn how to lighten the mental load and motivate your partner to do more.
module 10 Want to feel "good" enough and find delight in motherhood? Find out how art as therapy works in this module!
I know you are very busy nesting and growing eyeballs and organs and such, so I’ve made it easy for you:
1 Register today.
2 Learn what your prenatal classes aren’t teaching you.
3 Be a calm and bonded newborn mom!

You can be a prepared and calm parent to a delightful newborn baby.
According to research, mental health is the most significant challenge after childbirth. 1 in 7 pregnant and 1 in 3 postpartum people will experience a level of mental health that deserves a response and support.
In this video I share 3 secrets about postpartum preparedness and how you can actually feel prepared for life with a newborn (hint: you don’t need to buy anything else) and maybe you can avoid a new mom meltdown.
Meet the other chill pregnant mamas!
Amanda: I get a lot of unsolicited advice. I learned how to handle it calmly thanks to The Fourth.
Jill: The authenticity module helped me clarify my values and make a decision about induction. It was a helpful tool that I'm grateful for.
Riya: The eCourse helped me prepare for the sh*t that no one tells you and supported me so that my anxiety didn’t get worse.
If you are looking for ways to support your mental health during pregnancy or if you are already concerned about it… let me be part of your village.
1:1 therapy is expensive and time-consuming.
As a perinatal mental health therapist, I have compiled all the tips and tricks I use to support individuals in 1:1 therapy and consolidated them into these resources. These practices work (pinky promise) and won't take up any more time than scrolling on your phone, all at a fraction of the cost.
Hey there mama-to-be,
When you first saw those two pink lines, you were filled with joy at the thought of feeling your baby's kicks and decorating the nursery.
But what happens when you hit 20+ weeks and start questioning whether you're ready for this? Cue even more googling and worry, right?
I get it, I’ve been there and it doesn’t have to be this way.
I’m Kayla and as a certified perinatal therapist, I've helped loads of parents find their chill and actually feel ready to bring their baby home (without anxiety).
I'll support you too.
You might be curious:
Yes, research shows education and prevention measures will help you prevent or manage symptoms should they arise. Think of it this way, money and time spent preventing now are worth double the cost of treatment should distress symptoms occur.
The program is rooted in education, training, many research articles, interviews, client stories, lived experiences and my personal and professional experiences.
-I bring together the following:
-what is known about perinatal mental health
-mindfulness and stress reduction techniques
-creativity as therapy
-modern motherhood
-the effect of the diminishing “village”
So that you can truly prepare yourself for the changes that happen postpartum. My clients say my approach is validating, grounding and just what they need.
I am a social worker with additional training in expressive art therapy and perinatal mental health. I use my knowledge of mental health, motherhood and creativity to create content that is both sensitive and incredibly successful in preparing for The Fourth Trimester.
The goal is that you absolutely get what you need. However, generally, online learning cannot guarantee any specific result.
This program is not designed for acute therapeutic intervention, relationship, or formal medical or mental health care. Everything inside is valuable and will help you learn more about yourself, mindfulness, and creativity as coping. The program is entirely driven by you, experienced, and felt by you. You can achieve transformation from this program, but I cannot guarantee anything.
Buy the course, create an account and watch from any device. You can work at your own pace on the topics that interest you the most. To receive 1:1 support, email fourth@kaylahuszar.com (must be located in Canada for 1:1 support).
You have lifetime access to the program. You can start and stop at your leisure. Though I suggest working through the program in succession (say weekly) so that you feel the highest level of transformation and accountability to yourself. If you work on it weekly, you can complete it in about eight weeks.
Yes Yes Yes! These topics are just as applicable in pregnancy and postpartum, which is why you are given lifetime access. You can work through the topics anytime.
Mainly pregnant mothers.
If you are adopting, transgestational, genderqueer or a non-binary person becoming a parent, you are welcome here. The course contains some feminist theories and information about noticing and unlearning the ways your “female” conditioning, the patriarchy and gender have and will influence your parenting.
You often see and hear "woman" and "mother" to describe the expecting person. Mother, mama, and mommy are important titles for women in this stage of life (and maybe they have longed for this title for decades).
If you do not identify with "woman" or "mother," I hope this does not diminish your experience or your ability to feel like this program is for you. Please substitute any titles you need.
Lovely. I support this. You can purchase it, and give them the download/log in info OR you can put their name and email address in when registering, then they get the emails directly.
All sales for online courses are final.
By registering for this program, you agree that you are not in a therapeutic relationship with Kayla. This is educational and experiential; you might feel tender, vulnerable, open and activated throughout. I encourage everyone to have their own personal support person/people so they can grow, shift and show up in life the way they intend to.
Your results will vary based on your expectation, intention, integration, implementation, motivation, conditioning, level of openness, follow-through, and other variables beyond Kayla’s control.
If you need help to get the desired results, connect with me.
All material in the program is Copyright Kayla Huszar and is not to be replicated, shared, or sold.