26. Impossible Parenting: 4 Ways to Find Your Chill and Stop Feeling Like a Failure with Olivia Scobie (1 of 3)

A lot of parents find parenting standards impossible.

I devoured Olivia's book, "Impossible Parenting," over the course of a weekend. Her words resonated with me on a deep level. As someone who has experienced and overcome perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, and carried the weight of modern motherhood for eight years, I felt seen, heard, and validated. It reassured me that I wasn't crazy and that there is a valid reason for my very real feelings of overstimulation and my drive for being a "right and good" mother.

In this first episode of a three-part series, we have an open and honest discussion about feeling like failures in motherhood. We explore the importance of separating ourselves from the idealized image of a "good" mother and instead focus on self-parenting and outsource when and if you can! This is a must-listen if you've felt like a failure this week, or if your kids have made you feel terrible because they won't eat the supper they specifically asked for.

Here are Olivia's six core values that underpin the new culture of Impossible Parenting:

  • The more you sacrifice, the more you love

  • Invest upfront, be rewarded later

  • Danger is all around us - stay vigilant

  • Keep it Natural

  • Prescribed Self-Care

  • Make Every Moment Magical

Discover the secrets to navigating the ups and downs of motherhood and parenting with Olivia, author of Impossible Parenting. Olivia's book is the ultimate guide for parents, providing valuable insights into the challenges that vary from stage to stage. From the early days of endless routines with infants to the chaos of school-aged children, Olivia offers expert advice on how to overcome the most demanding stages of parenting.

Ah Ha Moments:

  • When you aren't "into" a particular stage of parenting, outsourcing is your best defence against burnout and resentment.

  • As mental health professionals, we are literally begging you to NOT get ALL of your parenting info from social media.

  • There is a big difference between reading about a skill you want (like co-regulation) and actually doing it and practicing it.

Join us for this must-listen episode as Olivia shares her unique perspective on the complexities of parenting. Gain a deeper understanding of this journey and learn how to overcome the toughest obstacles with confidence. Don't miss out on this captivating episode that will provide you with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the complexities of parenting.


If you're looking to explore further, Olivia's book, "Impossible Parenting: Creating a New Culture of Mental Health for Parents," offers valuable insights and can be found here.

Additionally, you can find more resources and information on perinatal mental health on the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Trainings website, as well as on their Instagram page (@perinatalmentalhealthtrainings) and Facebook page (Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Training).

Olivia (MSW, RSW, MA) is an Ontario-based queer social work counselor specializing in perinatal mood, reproductive trauma, parental mental health, and provider burnout. With a commitment to continuous learning, she is currently pursuing a PhD in Health Policy and Equity, focusing on the reproductive trauma experiences of LGBT+ birthers. Olivia is the co-founder of Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Trainings and the founder of Postpartum Support Toronto (now Perinatal Wellbeing Ontario). Her belief in eating dessert every day, telling your story, and barrier-free access to healing services shapes her approach to supporting parents.

Kayla Huszar

I believe that women are not given the tools to succeed in parenting. Constantly striving for an unattainable standard leaves mothers feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.

Through the use of creative arts, there is a beautiful moment of sacred stillness. A simple act of intentional creativity can remind a mother of who she is, what is truly important, and what she is capable of.

I aim to provide the best creative arts services both online and in person, because every mother deserves a simple and effective outlet for finding chill, being vibrant and feeling alive.


27. Intrusive Thoughts, Mom Math and Postpartum Mental Health with Olivia Scobie author of Impossible Parenting (2 of 3)


25. Moms! STOP Foreboding Joy: How I Invite Fear/Grief In For Tea